Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Point-Counterpoint Bervariasi untuk Meningkatkan Daya Kritis dan Hasil Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran PKn Topik Usaha Pembelaan Negara Bagi Siswa Kelas IX E SMP Negeri 1 Mojosongo


The objective of  this research  “The application of  Point- Counterpoint Variety” is to increase the students’ creativity capable and the outcome of  Pkn subject with “Pembelaan Negara” topic for the students of IX E  SMPN 1 Mojosongo the first semester  academic year 2013/ 2014. This  research using qualitative method with descriptive feature, describe the data and interprise the data. The kind of this research is action research (PTK)  that was done by the researcher directly. The setting of this reseach is IXE class SMP N 1 Mojosongo the first semester academic year 2013/2014  which has low capable from one of the sevent classses paralel. The technic of  collecting the data are test and non test. For collecting the data using the observation and the items of test. To know the efectiveness the process of learning using the strategy “Point-CounterPoint Variety”, the researcher and the collaborator  have done  the observation in the process of learning. While the validity of  the data using content validity and triangulasi. The analysis of the data using the analysis descriptive comparative and qualitative. Indicators which be hope in this research are : 1) Increase the students’ critical capacity from 13,33% (before treatment) become 26,00 %  in the 1st cycle, and 35,00 % in 2nd cycle; 2) Increase the students’ average 71,90 (before tretment) in the 1St cycle to 80,00 in the 1nd cycle and 85,00 in the 2 nd cycle. After the process of collected and analised the data, the result of the research is significant. This result show that the strategy of learning Point-counterpoint variety can improve :1) The students’s  critical capacity 13,33% ( before treatment) to 28,57% in the 1st cycle, and 41,90% in the 2nd cycle. 2) The students’ average 71,90 (before treatment) to 86,67 in the 1st cycle, and 92,14 in the 2rd cycle. Increase the critical capacity and the outcome for  “Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan” with topic “Usaha Pembelaan Negara” for the students IXE class SMP Negeri 1 Mojosongo the first semester academic year 2013/2014.