
Behavior of santri worship at Darun Najah Islamic Boarding School Petahunan Sumbersuko Lumajang, which lacks religious behavior such as a number of santri who still do not pray on time like dawn prayers, do not follow the activities of routine dhikr, do not read the Koran according to the specified schedule and other worship activities, are separate problems for da'wah which need to be managed systematically through Da'wah management so that they have good worship behavior. This study uses a qualitative method with the case study approach. The results of the study show that 1) The implementation of preaching management in the Islamic boarding school of Darun Najah Petahunan, Sumbersuko Subdistrict, Lumajang in improving santri worship behavior, is carried out by planning, organizing, actualizing and overseeing the preaching program of santri worship behavior through the study of the yellow book material, the pesantren culture developed is both mahdla and and ghairu mahdha. By upholding the culture of ta'dzim and polite behavior towards others and seniority created worship behavior on the students who not only know the teachings of Islam but also carry out the teachings of Islam with their own awareness. 2) Supporting factors for the management of Islamic boarding school Darun Najah Petahunan Sumbersuko District Lumajang in improving the behavior of students of religious worship include factors that desire students who have himmah (enthusiasm) for learning, the participation of parents, awareness of running worship services and reciting the mosque, the location of the mosque in front of the boarding school and the caregivers and religious teachers who always provide role models and have a good society. While the inhibiting factors are lack of discipline, the effect of information technology development, increasingly negative association, the inconvenience of students to regulations, so that they require the involvement of students, more affirmation of caregivers and better management of funding, increased intensity of meetings and performance of administrators and caregivers who are closer to students to overcome the negative effects of information technology.