Deteksi Kecerdasan Anak Menggunakan Naïve Bayes Berbasis Web


Early detection of children’s intelligence is very important because parents can determine the best learning for children’s intelligence development. Many parents now do not understand the development of children’s intelligence so that children are left without direction so that children’s intelligence is not developed according to the potential that children have. To overcome these problems can take advantage of existing technologies, namely expert systems which include learning from artifi cial intelligence fi elds, a branch of artifi cial intelligence that uses special knowledge possessed by an expert to solve a particular problem. Bayes theorem is a theorem that can be used as a systematic calculation of an opportunity to produce a hypothesis. Bayes theorem uses a classifi cation optimization method. The classifi cation is the result of probability and statistics. With a child’s intelligence detection system, 82% of the results of the system are obtained with direct assessment from experts.