Uji Kelayakan Metode Load Balance Per-Connection Classifier, Nth, Equal Cost Multi Path, dan Policy-Based Routing menggunakan Mikrotik Routerboard


The rapid progress of information and communication technology is very infl uential on the level of data access services needs. One of the obstacles that is often encountered in data access is the number of requests from network users that can cause overload on one connection path because the traffi c load handled in every connection line is not balanced. Solutions can be to overcome to the obstacles by applying load balancing technique that serves to divide and to balance the traffi c load on two or more existing connection lines. This study analyzes the comparison of characteristic and superiority, from four load balancing methods, namely Per Connection Classifi er (PCC), Nth, Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP) and Policy-Based Routing (PBR). The research method is used is to apply the four methods using Mikrotik Routerboard on a network topology with 4 routers connected to the OSPF routing method. Testing is done by downloading data provided on the server using the FTP server service with FileZilla application. The test fi les used in this study use 3 fi les that have diff erent sizes and fi le types ie .exe (± 6.5 MB), .mp4 (± 15.5 MB) and .zip (± 25.5 MB). Parameters used as a comparison are Throughput, delay and Jitter. The results obtained from this study indicate that the ECMP method is the best load balancing method used on network topology that has a larger bandwidth on one path with an average Throughput value of 0.684 Mbps while Nth is the best Load balance method if used on Topology that has a balanced bandwidth with an average value of Throughput of 0.448 Mbps.