Textual Analysis of Indonesia’s Identity in Instagram


These cultural spectacle in the visual era, opened opportunities for certain ideologies to infi ltrate through photography images photo. Instagram accounts that based on Indonesia’s natural beauty can be representation of how western hegemony infl uenced the defi nition of Indonesia’s indentity. Composition, color and object that tends to be uniformed among many photograph shows an interesting anomaly. Indonesian identity described by Mooi Indie in the past, has been repeated nowadays with the same visual appearance. It displays the quitness of beaches, fi elds and mountains with formal and symmetrical composition. Indonesia’s social reality that are complex, dynamic and sometimes messy has been framed in such a way that it becomes a simple, structured and uniform. Other aspects that do not fi t will be disguised or even eliminated altogether. The similarity between Mooi Indie visual image and instagram photo lies only on its geographical factor and not its historical factor. The perpetuation of Indonesia’s stereotype has been handed down since the past until now through The Next Indie, the diff erences were only in the media, from paintings to photograph on social media.