Evaluasi Ergonomi Desain Sepeda Roda Tiga Pasca Stroke dengan Model Tempat Duduk dan Stang Kemudi Fleksibel Berbasis Software Catia V5R14


Post-stroke patient’s body condition can be normal again by way of therapy using therapy tool. Post-stroke posture of diff erent patients causes diffi culties in the use of such therapy tool. In this study, researchers designed post-stroke tricycle with fl exible seating model and fl exible steering handlebar using Solidworks and for ergonomic analysis using CATIA V5R14 modelled with manikin according to posture (anthropometry) of Indonesian average. The result of ergonomic simulation in the form of grand score based on RULA method is grand score 3 with position of fl exible seating distance from 505 mm crankshaft and 30° steering wheel handlebars mean post stroke bicycle design is still ergonomic and safe for it’s users.