Konsep Desain Warung Makan di Perumahan Kampung Pahlawan VII sebagai Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Konsumsi Wisatawan Religi Makam Malik Ibrahim Gresik (Studi Kasus: Warung Makan di Rumah Bapak Muchsin)


Gresik was one of the transit city that has historic sites that can be used as a tourist attraction. One of them was the tomb of Malik Ibrahim complex located in the village Gapurosukolilo. The location adjacent to a residential population of the Kampung Pahlawan VII, which could potentially be a business opportunity and can meet the needs of facilities for religious travelers who pass through the Kampung. This business opportunity was utilized residents in Kampung Pahlawan VII by converting the front room at the residence became the food stalls as the public facilities, it give eff ect to the occupants of the house include zonifi kasi boundary between the houses and food stalls that were still not well visually. By using the methods of descriptive research, fi eld surveys and literature aims to identify and search for actual and precise information about the characteristics of the object of study / object of observation. The function of dwelling house turns into a food stalls as public facility owned by Mr. Muchsin was located in the Kampung Pahlawan VII number 50 Gresik as the object of observation. In consideration of the potential location of public facilities near the tomb complex Malik Ibrahim, the determination of the design concept of communicative, religious and cultural localities that applied to spatial and aspects of interior elements, is expected to be a solution zonifi kasi limit for residents and fulfi llment facilities for religious travelers.