Hubungan Perilaku Ibu dalam Toilet Training dengan Keberhasilan Toilet Training


The successful child in toilet training apart from the preparedness of the physical, psychological and emotional child, the need for good behavior in toilet training of parents especially mothers. The purpose of this research was to knowing relation mothers behavior in toilet training with toilet training success. The research design used cross sectional. The population in this research are all mothers and children 4–5 years old of PAUD Al-Madinah Dusun Ringinasri Kabupaten Banyuwangi a number of 23 respondents. The sample was all mothers and children 4–5 years old of PAUD Al-Madinah Kabupaten Banyuwangi with total sampling technic. The instrument in this research used questionnaires for mothers behavior and observation sheet for toilet training success. The time of this research 11–13 June 2016. Analyzing data used was cross Tabel frequency distribution. The results showed that nearly of 13 (56.5%) mothers who well behave in toilet training and 13 (56.5%) children are toilet training success. Mothers behavior was good in toilet training will determine the toilet training success for 4–5 years old.