Efektivitas Terapi Akupuntur terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Penderita Hipertensi


Hypertension are constitute disease. Hypertension resulting in the heart to work hard until serious damage occurs. One of nonpharmacological measures that can be used chinese treatment which is done with needles jabbed into the skin at points on certain body parts. This research aims to prove the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy to changes in blood pressure patients with hypertension in Mojokerto Zone Therapy Foundation. This research the design that used is pre experimental design approach to one group pretestposttest. sample as much as 22 respondents were taken using a non-probability sampling. Paired T-Test showed that p (0.000) < (0.05), so that Ho refused meaning that acupuncture is effective in changing blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Acupuncture see hypertension as a result of an imbalance between Yin and Yang, there is hyperactivity Yang Liver and Kidney Yin hypoactivity or there is liquids and excessive moisture. Acupuncture the acupoints to deliver and facilitate Qi (vital energy). According to the theory of acupuncture neurohumoral effects are mediated through the nervous system. Racing by the sympathetic nervous able to increase blood pressure and heart rate while racing by the parasympathetic nervous system is able to lower blood pressure and heart rate.