Hubungan Pola Komunikasi Keluarga dengan Tingkat Depresi Lansia di Desa Kebondalem Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto


Depression is disruption of feeling with the characteristic is: reduction of spirit, lower of self-esteem, blaming our self, sleeping disruption, and a meal. Suffer looked distressed, tired, not spirit, apathetic, spoken add slow activation, anoreksia exist, insomnia, and constipation. Supported from family with used communication needed for one of supporter system for old man in confront depression. This study have a purpose for knowing related model of family communication with rates of old man depression. In this study used a design analytic correlation with cross section approachment. Population in this study is 770 old man, sample taken by purposive sampling. This study have a 70 respondents. Method collection used a questionnaire, then we will do tabulation by Editing, Coding, Scoring, and. Tabulating used chi square. Study result refer that model of family communication most of the respondents is good as many as 39 family (55.7%). The most of rated of depression by old man in medium category as many as 49 human (70%). 0.007 <a 0.05 signifi cant, its means existence related family communication bet ween rated of old man depression. This study expected can helping old man to always communicate with her/his family in order to solve the problem be better, and certainly can reduce depression to old man.