Peran Orang Tua dengan Kemandirian Toileting pada Anak Retardasi Mental di SDLB Negeri Seduri Kabupaten Mojokerto


Mental retardation turns out to be a certain condition noticed by an under average intelligence, diffi culty on adaptation as well as diffi culty in doing environmental activities such as an independent level. The role of parents is needed for achievement in the child’s independence. The purpose was to prove whether there is a connection between the roles of parents with toileting independence levels in children with mental retardation in elementary school SDLB Seduri. Research design was analytic. The population were all parents and children who attend school in the District Seduri elementary school SDLB Seduri were 62 respondents. The sample were all parents and children who attend school in elementary school SDLB Seduri. Sampling technique is a type of non-probability sampling the total sampling. Data taken using a questionnaire. Analyzed using a cross-tabulation. The result obtained from 35 respondents (100%), the role of parents positively level of independence children mostly category full independence as many 22 respondents (62.8%). Whereas 27 respondents (100%) having a negative parental role to level of his dependency in the medium category, that is a number of 13 respondents (48.1%). Conclusion there is the connection between the roles of parents with toileting independence levels in children with mental retardation in elementary school SDLB Seduri.