Pelayanan Publik yang Baik dan Berkualitas Serta Membahagiakan dalam Bidang Administrasi Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil di Indonesia


In the principal / substance contained in Law No. 24 of 2013 stated that all arrangements relating to the Population Administration are free of charge. With the free cost of managing population administration, it is hoped that the community will be more aware of the importance of the population administration data base. In addition, free administration costs do not reduce the quality of services provided by officers. All this is done to produce an accurate and uptudate population database. Indonesian Administration Conscious Movement (GISA) Population carried out with 4 Programs: • Population Document Ownership Program • Population Data Update Awareness Program • Conscious Utilization of Population Data Programs • Conscious Program Serving Population Administration With this Indonesian Conscious Administration Movement (GISA), it is expected that public services carried out at the provincial and district / city levels throughout Indonesia can satisfy the community. The Indonesian Administrative Awareness Movement Population is a movement to build a government ecosystem that is aware of the importance of population administration. The Central Government together with the Provincial Government and the Regional Government, seek to make breakthroughs and innovations in the field of Population Administration and Civil Registration services in their respective regions. These innovations in public services are organized by the central government to local governments in order to bring their services closer to the public in the hope that good and quality services can be realized and happy.