Evaluasi Program Pemberdayaan Paguyuban Peternak Kambing- Domba ‘Kado Sejahtera’ sebagai Usaha Ternak yang Mandiri dan Berkelanjutan


The ‘Kado Sejahtera’ Goat-Sheep Breeders Community is the only one breeders community in Tlanakan District, Pamekasan regency. One of the main problem faced by the breeders was the limited capital in developing thier livestock business. The main obejective of this empowerment program between Business and Entreprenuer Student Activity Unit of STIE Bakti Bangsa Pamekasan and ‘Kado Sejahtera’ Goat-Sheep Breeders Community is to encourage the breeder’s knowledge, skill, and experience in developing their sustainable and independent livestock business. This empowerment program used guidance method to all breeders. The evaluation of this empowerment program, used interview and filling the questionnaires, showed this program gave a signifficant effect for all the members. That effect was also accepted by the community. All of members hope that this empowerment program could be continued, especially the opportunity of the program’s sustainability is big enough.