Strategi Penjualan dengan Penentuan Harga Melalui Metode “Rupo Nggowo Rego” di Pasar Nglegok Blitar


Problems are often the main focus of traders. In the absence of a good sales strategy, it is certain that the profits that the merchants receive are reduced. A sales strategy is one of the ways in which a merchant sells his or her merchandise to a buyer in order to improve the sales process, while the main purpose of the sale is to profit or profit from the goods sold. This study aims to determine the sales strategy with prices in Nglegok Market. Pricing occurs before the sale price is determined. The determination of the selling price is an important activity that exists in the trading activity to determine the profit expected by the trader. The approach used in this research is phenomenological approach in qualitative research based on experience in Pasar Nglegok in 2017 when the research took place. This research produced a method of “Rupo Nggowo Rego.” The “Rupo Nggowo Rego” method has its own peculiarities in selling strategies at prices in Nglegok Market. “Rupo Nggowo Rego” is a term derived from Javanese and has good quality goods that will be sold at an expensive price. This method relates to the quality and selling price of a good.