Analisis Pengaruh Makroekonomi terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) 2012–2016


This study aims to determine the effect of macroeconomics: inflation, exchange rates, interest rates and money supply against the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2012–2016. This research uses quantitative explanatory approach with multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results of this study found that the value of f count 34.148 is greater than f table 2.56 and it can be concluded macroeconomic variables simultaneously have a significant effect on JCI period 2012-2016. Partially value of t count 1.184 smaller than t table 1.67665 and concluded that inflation has no effect and very less related to JCI, while the exchange rate has t count -8.361 greater than t table 1.67665 significant negative effect, interest rate has t count 5.160 is greater than t table 1.67665 and the money supply has t count 9,172 bigger than t table 1.67665 both have significant effect and sufficient relation to JCI. And of the four most influential macroeconomic variables on the JCI are the money supply.