Dampak Pemberdayaan Desa terhadap Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat di Desa Punten Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu


Village Empowerment Program (PPD) is carried out by relying on the active participation of society. While the government is expected to serve only as a companion. PPD implemented in various forms, one of which is the PPD for citrus commodities. With PPD orange production is expected to increase so as to increase farmers’ income and improve the income distribution. PPD success in increasing people’s income is affected by several factors supporting sociological/territorial, i.e good attention to transparency, accountability, participation community members as well as mentoring and coaching activities in the implementation of the PPD. In addition, PPD run Batu City Government based on real economic conditions of communities that depend on an orange plantation business. The conditions that prompted the success of the empowerment program. Impact Village Empowerment Program on socio-economic changes in the society is the increasing degree Punten community living in Punten the better. Which is marked by changes in various areas of the socio-economic field is the existence of additional revenues and improving the welfare of the family. Because the PPD program, the community play an active role to improve the quality of life. With the improvement of village roads that access the traders in Punten to be smooth and can improve economic outcomes Punten village. Social Changes of the Great Punten as depicted on the impact of the changes is the addition of income resulting empowerment of the village, a lot of people who own creativity in the achievement of their income in the form of working with the expertise of the empowerment village, as well as self-employed in various field, emerging nature of togetherness in the economic field in the form of gathering - gathering as well as human resource development for the citizens on the activities that are building on Punten.