Pengaruh Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Return On Asset (ROA) dan Earning Per Share (EPS) terhadap Harga Saham pada Industri Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia


The study objective was to test and determine the effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, and Earning Per Share in the Share Price of Banking Industry in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The samples used were 10 Banking companies. Analysis technique is multiple regression analysis to showing the influence of Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, and Earning Per Share in the Share Price of Banking Industry in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The simultaneous testing results showed Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, and Earning Per Share had significant effect on share price, this is indicated by the acquisition value is below the significance α = 5%. The multiple correlation coefficient obtained for 0.904 or 90.4% which as a correlation the variables of Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, and Earning Per Share had a strong relationship to share price simultaneously. The partial testing results showed that the variables of Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, and Earning Per Share had a significant effect on share price indicated by the significance of variables were under level of α = 5%. The test results showed a partial coefficient of determination Earning Per Share has the highest coefficient of determination. This was indicated that the variables had a dominant influence on share price.