Pengaruh Motivasi dan Pelatihan terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Pengrajin Bordir di Desa Sumber Pasir Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang


Embroidery business in the Village of Sand Pakis subdistrict Malang regency is a folk craft that has long occupied. Starting from the talent and creativity that go down - for generations, this effort requires persistence and patience in the process. In the development, craft business is expected to contribute to the welfare conditions of the craftsman. Increased motivation and on going training provision is an appropriate way to increase the creativity of the artisans. The high creativity will create the type of artisan craftsmen who pursue consistent in its efforts to be able to contribute to the improvement of welfare .The population in this study is the embroidery craftsmen who numbered 43, so that everything is taken as a sample with census method. The independent variable in this study is the motivation and training while the dependent variable is the welfare of embroidery artisans. The instruments used in the form of a questionnaire which was then tested by using validity and reliability test. Data used for the measurement Likert scale. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis, which previously tested with the classical assumption. Furthermore, the hypothesis will be tested by F test and t test .The results of the data analysis showed that the motivation and training variables significantly influence both simultaneously and partially on the welfare of artisans Sand Village of Pakis District of Malang and motivation variable is the most dominant variable. From the calculation of R Square of 0.512 means that the contribution of motivation and training variables jointly affect the performance of employees is 66.5%. While 48.8% is influenced by other variables.