Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Kerajinan Daur Ulang Limbah Sampah Bahan Kaca di Kota Malang
Malang city dwellers in 2016 reached about three million inhabitants. Also related to population growth and consumption patterns in Malang has produced inorganic and organic garbage from their activities amounted to 350 tons per day. The amount of the daily volume of waste is a serious problem. While in a trash container infrastructure is already overloaded. Feasibility study is required to see an overview of the feasible or does not like a business that will be run, this study aimed to see if your business Small and Medium Industries (SMI) craft glass recycling of waste materials Malang eligible to run or not. This study uses primary data, the survey results and interviews. Feasibility analysis done by the approach NPV (net present value), IRR (internal rate of return) and payback periods. The results showed that some of the craft industry waste recycling glass material in Malang is feasible (feasible), both in terms of NPV, IRR, and payback periods.