Program Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Melalui Pendirian Unit Bank Sampah di Kota Malang


Many families in the midst of people who have not done the waste management activity. The waste management is so that waste is not harmful to health and does not pollute the environment and human benefit (benefits and economic value). The purpose of waste management activities through the establishment of Unit Bank Waste it is that every family amid residents can understand and realize the importance of the environmental movement of waste management in order to be clean, healthy and obtain economic value of waste management activity (the activity of collecting, sorting, and selling garbage that results can be saved in the waste bank). Using the approach by providing counseling, training and practices waste management in mothers PKK and the establishment of Unit Bank Waste by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2008 on Waste Management and Regulation of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 Year 2012 on Guidelines Implementation of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Through Garbage Bank. The results of the implementation of the empowerment of women through waste management may change the pattern of view of the family in the midst of people who immediately throw trash away in the trash. The waste management through the establishment of Unit Bank Waste, the environment becomes cleaner, healthier and improve the welfare of the family.