Praktik Manajemen Laba dan Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kualitas Audit Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi


The research aims to discover relation between earnings real and accrual management towards market value with auditing quality as moderating variable. Earnings real and accrual management used 3 indicators such as cash flow operation, discretionary expense and production expense though the auditing quality use the auditing reputation as proxy. The proxy shows that the dummy method if have 1 use big 4 and have 0 use non big 4. Market value used the Tobins’Q ratio. Sample in using is Non-Financial company which had listing in the BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia). Used the criteria of purposive sampling totally sample are 33 Non-Financial companies that go public with the observation period 2005—2010. The first hypothesis used a simple regression as method analysis and for the second hypothesis used multiple linear regression analysis The result shows that there is a relation between earnings real and accrual management toward market value. Earnings real and accrual management have a relation with market value when the auditing quality as moderating variable but auditing quality can’t strengthen or weaken relation between earnings real and accrual management toward market value.