Aplikasi Metode Location Quotient (LQ) dalam Penentuan Komoditas Palawija Unggulan di Kabupaten Nganjuk


Nganjuk Regency located in East Java province area, this area can be referred as food barn due to the advancement in the agricultural sector. Each year the agricultural sector able to provide a substantial contribution to Nganjuk Regency regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Even so, the contribution constantly increasing in convincing numbers annually. Recently in 2012 the agricultural sector is able to provide contribution of 28.14% for Nganjuk GDP. By considering ability of contribution in this sector, researchers interested in raising grains commodity as one of the sub-sectors of agriculture became the object of research. With the aim to find the most superior commodity in order to further enhance the ability of the contribution to GDP in the future. While analysis tools used in this research is “Location Quotient” (LQ) method. The reason using this method because of LQ as a very effective analytical tool to determine the growth of the object that be processed and the data processing highly simple. It could using the Microsoft Excel software or calculated manually.