Program IbK dan Coop untuk Menumbuhkan Wirausaha Baru di Universitas Widyagama Malang


The college is an institution of higher education that seeks to generate the professional human resources and ready to compete in the job market. Most graduates of colleges are more interested in as job seeker (job seekers) from the creator of the work (job creators). This occurs because the learning system in the college is focused on preparing “graduates who are ready keja” instead of “graduates who are ready to create jobs (job creators)”. On the other hand an increase in the number of job seekers is not matched by an increase in the number of jobs, causing unemployment. Increased levels of graduate unemployment related to the relative lack of relevance of graduate PT with the world of work. Therefore we need a solution to address this problem, among others, the science and technology program for Entrepreneurship (IBK) and Work Integrated Learning program or COOP (Cooperative Academic Education Program). IbK and COOP are Programs of Higher Education that aims to foster new entrepreneurship among students. The difference, if at IBK program students immediately practice to be entrepreneurs, after they participated in the entrepreneurship training and internships in SMEs for 1 month. While in the COOP program, students working in the SME for 7 hours per day for 4 months to get financial compensation. After participating in IbK program at least 20 new entrepreneurs grow every year, while after taking COOP, 50% of the students are motivated to become entrepreneurs.