Penerapan Manajemen Konflik terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada CV. Banner Point Supermarket Kediri


The research is aimed to know: 1) the effect of the functional conflict level, stimulates conflict, reduce conflict and resolve conflict individually on the employee performance. 2) the effect of the functional conflict level, stimulate conflict, reduce conflict and resolve conflic simultaneously on the employees performance. 3) the dominant factor affecting the employess performance of CV Banner Point Supermarket Kediri. The research in CV Banner Point Supermarket Kediri with the population consists of 100 respondents. Data intake obtained directly by questioner. The research in CV Banner Supermarke Point Kediri concludes that: 1) the functional conflict level, stimulate conflict, reduce conflict and resolve conflict individually have a positive and significant effect on the employees performance improvement; 2) the functional conflict level, stimulate conflict, reduce conflict and resolve conflict simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the employees performance; the regression equation yielded is CV Banner Supermarket Point: Y = 0.047+ 0,228 X1 + 0,550 X2 + 0,326 X3 + 0,444 X4 + e; the determination coefficient of Adjusted R2 = 0.595 mean that the the functional conflict level, stimulate conflict, reduce conflict and resolve conflict determine the variability on employees performance about 59,5 % the remain 40,5% is determined by other factor beyond the model; 3) the most dominat factor affecting the employees performance is stimulate conflict which is demonstrated by the regression coefficient of stimulate conflict of 0,550 is the greatest one among other factors. The conclusion is the application of conflict management that includes a functional conflict level, stimulating conflict factors, factors of reducing or suppress conflict and resolving conflict factors have positive influence on employee performance on CV Banner Point Supermarket Kediri, meaning that increasing the application of conflict management will improve employee performance on CV Banner Point Supermarket Kediri. In order CV Banner Point Supermarket can achieve its goal of improving the performance of employees, then the potential and uniqueness conflict management can be applied in all areas of work the company on CV. BANNERPOINT SUPERMARKET KEDIRI.