Penerapan Produksi dan Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Produksi dan Pangsa Pasar Usaha Susu Pisang di Kabupaten Banyuwangi


This Community Service Program consists of training and technical assistance. It is aimed at growing banana milk business in the village of Dadapan, sub-district of Kabat, district of Banyuwangi. The program is also devised to assist the business group in obtaining a Business Trading License (SIUP) and a license for homemade food (P-IRT) issued by the District Health Office in Banyuwangi. A number of activities that are included in the program comprise an outreach program; the provision of tools and equipment; training in production, packing and marketing; and a dissemination of information on how to gain relevant license for homemade food. The idea of conducting such program stems from the fact that banana milk business is highly potential yet the business group is lacking in necessary tools and equipment. Following the completion of the Community Service Program, it is expected that the business group achieves a sustainable growth in both production and marketing network.