Kajian Finansial Usaha Pariwisata Alam di KPH Lawu Ds BKPH Sooko


Decrease the potential for timber and non-timber breakthroughs needed for new revenue. Potential opportunities are under development and ecotourism woods plant research objectives were to: determine eligibility provision of eco-tourism venture in production forests, the issues raised in the community about the impact caused prolonged economic crisis, feasibility analysis Present Value Net (NPV), Benefit cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Break Event Point (BEP) and payback period (PBP). The interest rate of 13% BCR value of 2.3 is obtained for the provision of toilets. While 3.1 and 3.7 for the revenue Speed Break even point (BEP) MCK project in year 5, to the shops/stalls BEP year 4 As for the management of falls in year 5. Pay back period (PBP) to project payback period of 4 years MCK, shop stalls for 3 years and waterfall management for 3 years.