Desain Sistem Informasi Kearsipan (Studi Kasus di Politeknik UBAYA)


Polytechnic UBAYA implement a centralized records management, thus the archives are managed very diverse and numerous. A document that goes sometimes have to go through the disposition of the various parties before the follow-up process. Sometimes a follow-up document might be late, because the length of the disposition and the clerk did not have the tools to monitor the existence of such documents. In addition, the length of time to discover those documents that has been filed resulting in long response associated with the document. Another issue to consider is the need for archival storage space that meets the standards and can accommodate the volume of records that are increasingly growing. Build archival information system is a tool that can be used as a solution to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in handling archives. Build an information system must begin with the process of analysis and design of the data flow and the flow of business processes. The results of those process is called Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Any information system requires a database to store data. Data may be retrieved by the system and the results of processing the information restored in the database. In building a database system, the first step need to do is design the database process which will be used by the information system. Database design process can be done using the approach of Entity Relationship (ER) diagram, so when those approach implemented can produce a data storage that works effectively and efficiently.