Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Kemampuan Individu, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pembina Tebu Rakyat Intensifikasi


The sugar industry in Indonesia is currently in a condition that requires special attention, This is because sugar production continues to decline. Couse generated primarily because of the quality and quantity of sugarcane decreased. Role builder sugarcane intensification of the people is very important in determining the quality and quantity of sugarcane production. This study focused on the influence of motivation, ability, leadership style and organizational culture on work performance. This study took 100 people sugarcane intensification builder respondents. Findings from the research is that employee performance is strongly influenced by the individual’s motivation and ability. Significant influence and have a positive relationship. Leadership style and organizational culture negatively affect employee performance. To improve people’s job performance coach sugarcane intensification required are: 1). Increasing the capacity of individuals, especially the ability of technical and managerial skills, 2). Increase motivation in particular on improving morale and creating a pleasant working atmosphere, 3). Improve or change the style of leadership especially in sensitivity, orientation relationship and task orientation in order to improve job performance, and 4). Improving organizational culture consisting of partnership or collaboration, openness and work discipline.