Analisis Deskriptif Faktor-faktor Pendorong Voluntary Delisting pada PT Aqua Golden Mississippi, Tbk


Basically public go represent process to increase society participation permanent of formation capital, claiming the existence of and transparency of disclosure which is obliged to be conducted by company. As for intention of go public PT Aqua of Golden Mississippi, Tbk that is obtaining capital of society by selling a little possible marketable securities at the price of costly because by dividing the ownership of with society which done too big, big capital still able to be obtained. Research method the used is quantitative descriptive. Result of data analysis obtained that factors influencing PT Aqua of Golden Mississippi, Tbk for example first factor, to relating to the amount of stockholder. Second factor, relating to percentage of is ownership of share. Third factor, to relating to company performance. Seen from monetary ratio analysis, obtained that performance of PT good Aqua, because value of likuiditas low company, that thing mean company can pay for its obligation in short-range. last factor that is relating to expense, its meaning of company can cost effective to be paid or accounted on, like expense of listing, transaction, reporting, legal, and other relevant costs