Urgensitas Investasi, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Potensi Ekonomi dan Peluang Investasi di Kabupaten/Kota Se-Provinsi Jawa Timur (Kasus: Sektor Pertanian, Pertambangan Gas/Minyak, dan Pariwisata)


The material discussed about the importance of private investment to the economic potential and investment opportunities in the districts/cities in East Java province in the case of agriculture, gas mining/oil, tourism. The research was conducted in 38 districts/cities. The method used descriptive analysis with secondary data. Research objectives were to provide information to the local government district/town about the economic potential and investment opportunities for economic growth. It has been believed to economic growth will increase when the rate investing their private and government capital spending is also increasing. Many factors affect the economic growth of a district/city, in addition to investment, as well as the potential of natural resources, labor, capital accumulation and the ability to manage. From investment to realization of investment approvals take time. Profit-oriented private investment. Government districts/cities to the public sector. Private investors want the ease of licensing, timely, clear cost, low interest rates, subsidies, tax rates and the availability of infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water, telephone. Therefore, if the district/city expects investors to come to the region and increased economic growth, then the duty of the government district/city in East Java is to provide the infrastructure as desired by the investors. With economic growth districts/cities increases, then its own tax revenue, levies and revenue districts/cities in East Java will also increase. Employment increases. Education and better health. Therefore, private investment is crucial for economic development and regional economic growth.