
The thesis discuss about the value of Isra' Mi'raj in the formation of character for learners contained in QS Al-Isra verse 1. The study motivated by how important the values of the formation character for learners contained in the event of Isra' Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad SAW The purpose of this research is: to know the values of Isra 'Mi'raj deeply in the formation of student’s character, and they can implement in their daily life. The method of the reserach uses the type of qualitative research in the form of library research (Library research) by taking the values of the objects Isra Mi'raj in the formation character for learners. The sources of data are used general and special reference sources, data collection techniques is done by using the Library research, the technique of collecting data by collecting data and reviewing the literature books that contain theories. The data analysis techniques is using content analysis techniques, namely the step in taking conclusions as an answer from the formulation of existing problems, and tahlili method is a method of interpretation that the mufasir explain the content of verses of the Qur'an in various aspects. The results obtained from this study includes: (1) How Isra 'Mi'raj in the Qur'an? Isra 'Mi'raj must be with body and soul, not dream and not imagination. Prophet Muhammad did Isra 'with the spirit and service in the conscious state. (2) What kind of the character values that contained in QS Al-Isra verse 1? Such as: honest, fair, patient and istiqomah. (3) How are the implications of the character values Isra 'Mi'raj in QS Al- Isra' verse 1? Praying, human is required to perform prayers, because people who always perform their physical and spiritual prayers will be better, healthier, fresher than people who do not perform prayers. Devoted to parents, it turns out that devote to the parents is very influential / strategy for the formation of character the leraners. Through effective communication in formulating the policy of character formation for learners and conduct joint supervision on the behavior of the learners at school and in the home environment.