The K-Medoids Clustering Method for Learning Applications during the COVID-19 Pandemic


A disease that is currently widespread today is caused by the spread of the coronavirus disease or what is commonly called COVID 19. This virus is very dangerous to health because it attacks organs in the human body from various sources, either from the air or direct touch. With the existence of COVID 19, it has an impact on all countries, especially the State of Indonesia, which consists of various islands, which are also affected by the COVID 19 virus. So that the central government takes a policy to carry out social distancing to every one to break the chain of spreading this virus, with this social distancing it has an impact on all activities that occur every day. As an impact on the learning process that usually takes place in class, it turns into online learning that uses several supporting applications in the learning process during the COVID 19 pandemic. With online learning from various applications, it attracts researchers to research with the K-Medoid Clustering Algorithm in using applications during the pandemic COVID 19.