
Sales-based Akad Murabahah is expected to be a system solution for the results that tend to be high risk. The profit-making in front is actually valid and true according to Sharia, because Murabahah is a sales-based contract which means something oriented real. Research aims: 1) analyzing the activities of financial services developed by BMT Al-Amanah Ciawi Tasikmalaya 2) analyzing consumptive products that can be facilitated by BMT AlAmanah Ciawi Tasikmalaya, 3) analyzing application Akad Murabahah in BMT Al-Amanah Ciawi Tasikmalaya This research uses qualitative descriptive methods with the type of field research with inductive logic, namely observation of depiction and systematic data parsing. To help with data collection using observation methods, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis tools are qualitative descriptive. The result can be concluded: 1) The financial services activities in BMT Al-Amanah Ciawi Tasikmalaya are: financial storage and financial services financing. 2) Consumptive product financing using the product of Ba'i alMusawwamah which is an application of Akad Murabahah, there are some provisions regarding the desired product or needed. 3). BMT Al-Amanah Ciawi Tasikmalaya implements the concept of trading contract (Murabahah) into 2 financing products namely Murabahah products which is a product of goods financing or productive products and into the product of Ba'i Al-musawwamah for goods Consumerist