Effectiveness Identification Number Filing for Solutions to Accelerate in Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) in Blora District Land Office


Blora Regency is one of regencies in Central Java conducting simultaneously the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) whose responsibility is delegated to the National Land Agency (BPN) Blora. In doing filing related to the file recapitulation, BPN Blora create a policy for the provision of Parent Number meantime to ease the recapitulation of the field which will be registered in PTSL. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL), factors that become obstacles in the implementation of PTSL and to determine the policy of the Master Numbers While (NIS) as a solution Blora District Land Office in the implementation of PTSL.The method used in this research is juridical empirical specification is descriptive analytical research and data collection was obtained from library research and interviews. After data collection is done, then the data is analyzed qualitatively.It can be concluded that the implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) has many constraints among which the cost of land tax payable, the limited number of human resources and infrastructure, land disputes absente, maximum advantages and wastelands and the difficulty of applying the principle of contradictoire delimitatie. To overcome these obstacles BPN Blora do some solutions, among others, added the officer measurement with tool support, expand facilities and infrastructure, especially computers and printers, repair Internet network as well as the policy of Identification Number While (NIS) as a solution to the District Land Office Blora in the implementation PTSL that facilitate more efficient file search. Keywords:  Land Registration; Identification Number While (NIS); PTSL.