KONFRONTASI IDEOLOGI, PERANAN TOKOH INTELEKTUAL, DAN PERANAN FORMATIF ANTOLOGI SAKSI MATA KARYA SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA (Ideological Confrontation, The Role of Intellectual Characters, and Formative Roles of Anthology Saksi Mata Written by Seno Gumira Ajidarma)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konfrontasi ideologi, peranan tokoh intelektual, dan peranan formatif antologi Saksi Mata karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma. Jenis peneletian ini ialah deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian ialah sosiologi sastra dengan menggunakan teori hegemoni Antonio Gramsci. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan teknik baca-catat. Teknik analisis data ialah model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, konfrontasi ideologi pada Saksi Mata bertujuan untuk menyangkal ideologi militerisme, anarkisme, dan radikalisme, tetapi ideologi humanisme menjadi mediasi emansipasi Ajidarma terhadap insiden ketidakadilan manusia, sedangkan ideologi nasionalisme, etnonasionalisme, dan nativisme mampu eksis sebagai prasyarat untuk menyampaikan suara nasib korban kekerasan dan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. Kedua, tokoh intelektual pada Saksi Mata diperankan oleh Ajidarma untuk menyampaikan peristiwa kekerasan dan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. Ketiga, peranan formatif Saksi Mata sebagai antologi yang secara kritis tidak hanya berlaku sebagai dokumentasi peristiwa historis melainkan juga bermaksud untuk menghubungkan kondisi peristiwa historis tersebut sebagai upaya emansipasi.(The aim of this study is to explain the notions about ideological confrontation, the role of intellectual characters, and formative anthology in Saksi Mata, the anthology of short stories by Seno Gumirah Ajidarma. This study applied the descriptive qualitative design. The study also uses sociology of literature as the approach of the study with specialized implementation of hegemony theory by Antonio Gramsci. In order to get the precision data, the study applied note taking technique in data collection. The technique of data analysis was used Miles and Huberman model. The result of this study conclude to several notions as follows. First, ideological confrontation in Saksi Mata had an aim to refute the militarism, anarchism, and radicalism, while the notion of humanism become mediation of Ajidarma’s emancipation towards inequity incidents in society. Furthermore, nationalism, etnonationalism, and nativism are able to exist as the prerequisites, in order to convey the society regarding the voice of human rights violation victims. Second, intellectual characters in Saksi Mata were created by Ajidarma as the figure or message transmitter with the purpose to convey society regarding the human rights violation incidents. Third, Saksi Mata formative role as an anthology is critically not only valid as a historical documentation but also it intends to link the conditions of historical event as an emancipatory effort.)