Nikah Sirri Perspektif Maqashid Syariah


Nikah sirri menimbulkan pro kontra di berbagai lapisan masyarakat, dari ulama, praktisi hukum hingga tokoh masyarakat. Perbedaan pendapat ini karena perbedaan persepsi. Ulama melihat dari sisi legalitas Syariah, praktisi hukum berpedoman pada Kompilasi Hukum Islam, sedangkan tokoh masyarakat lebih melihat kepada tatanan sosial. Paper ini mencoba mengkaji hukum Nikah Sirri perspektif Maqashid Syariah dengan mempertimbangkan antara maslahat dan mafsadat dalam kajian filsafat hukum Islam. (Sirri marriage raises the pros and cons in various walks of life, from scholars, legal practitioners to community leaders. This difference of opinion is due to differences in perception. Ulama see in terms of Sharia legality, legal practitioners are guided by the Compilation of Islamic Law, while community leaders look more at social order. This paper tries to examine Sirri's marriage law perspective Maqashid Sharia by considering between maslahat and mafsadat in the study of Islamic legal philosophy.)