Strategi Konselor dalam Membantu Penyesuaian Diri Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Era Milenial


COUNSELOR STRATEGIES IN ASSISTING SELF-ADJUSTMENT OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN MILLENNIAL ERA. The rapid flow of globalization makes every human being must be able to adapt himself to the times. Not all individuals experience normal development. Some of them experience obstacles, disorders, or have risk factors so that in optimal development special handling is needed. This group is referred to as individuals with special or familiar needs termed disability. The strategy in the education process is a necessity that must be prepared by a counselor. The purpose of this study was to find out how the counselor's strategy in the process of counseling is appropriate for ABK in the process of self-adjustment in the millennial era. In this study, the authors used a qualitative research approach with the object of study in the Achsaniyyah Pedawang disability Islamic boarding school. From this study, it was found that the learning class process was divided into several, including one by one, pre-independent, and independent classes. The organization of the school and the ABK strategy are expected to be able to create and realize independent crew members, able to solve problems they face, and be able to adapt to different environments.Keywords: Strategy of Counselors, Self-Adjustment, Children with Special Needs (ABK), Millennial Era.