Karakteristik Penumpang Kereta Api Komuter Lintas Surabaya-Sidoarjo


"Operation of Train traffic commuting Surabaya - Sidoarjo is one attempt to serve the needs ofrommuter transportation for residents who hm:e to commute daily between the dties of Surabatp andSidoarjo to run its activities. This studt; aims to determine the characteristics of the Railwm; passengertraffic commuting Surabm;a - Sidoarjo. Data was collected bt; interview survet; to passengersRailroad commuting traffic Surabm;a - Sidoarjo with a sample of 100 respondents. RespondentsSUrvetjed trere passengers departing from heading to Surabat;a Sidoarjo. The survet; was conductedat the Rm1WatJ Station and in Sidoarjo on weekdays during peak hours/ peak periods. The result ofdescriptive analysis showed that the majorihJ of passenger train commuting is aged 21-30 years(31%), jobs are private emplatps (75%), monthly income is Rp. 1.5 million -Rp. 2 million (34%),the purpose of the trip was to work (90% ), vehicles used before you use commuter rail is a motomjde(66%) and reasons for using rommuter rail is a rost (41%) and time (33%)."