Karakteristik Penyeberangan Pada Ruas Jalan Diantara Dua Pusat Perbelanjaan Yang Berhadapan (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Raya Margonda Antara Depok Town Square dan Margo City)


The pedestrian is traffic, in the transport system which is dominant in urban areas. Walking characteristics is a major factor in the design, planning and operation of transportation facilities, particularly lzigh demand by the short period.  Tiw study was conducted in the area around the commercial area on Highway Margonda Depok, Depok_ Town Square between City and Margo.  TI1is research is to analyze pedestrian behavior by microscopic analysis. Microscopic is taken because of to see journey behavior that happened in each individual. By using microscopic can know by characteristic, behavioral, and pattern movement of pedestrian individually. Research microscopically this also can see pedestrian trail individually in time and position, where used variable is N (pedestrian number), T (time), Y and X (Coordinate Location).  The study concluded that there was difference in the pattern of female and male pedestrian. VV/ren crossed in groups of women tend to follow the pattern of male.