Diameter Ideal Untuk Saluran Buangan Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang Dalam Mengatasi Banjir


As a Regional Intematio1111l Airport, at the Ahmnd Yani Airport passenger and aircraft movementsoccur quite crowded e-uen; day. T11erefore, the smooth process of taking off and landing are the mainelements tlmt need attention. Airport facilities wlziclz would o-nsh would interfere with the smoothflight. Likewise, the frequent flooding that inundated the runway qt the Ahmad Yani airport inSemarang during high rainfall. Due to lremllj rain which flus/red the cihJ of Semarang in 2009,Ahmad Yani Airport Runwm; forced to close bemuse of stagnant water with a lieight of 13-20 cm.From tire analysis we found an ideal diameter for drainage of rain water at Ahmad Yani Airport inSemarang wzth tire drainage flmu of 1.55 m3/sec is 2.92 111.Keywords: Debit, Reclanmtion, Liznd Cnntour