Analisis Pilihan Transportasi Mudik Lebaran Tahun 2010 Masyarakat Jabodetabek


Mobilihj of fIDPle and zehides at the !"ilme tin Te requires dwices of transport modes in accordance with theneeds of prosrffiive ~lers widths. Through the methodologtj of Analytic HierardnJ Process (AHP),the mapping needs of transportation modes in accordance with the criteri£Z of Safe, Fast and Inexrmsize.Selected ~s of tran5JX!rfation modes is a primte ziehicle, public bnnsport, trains, ships and aircraft.T71e results shmim 755 rx:rcent of 330 resp'.mdents c/10[£ Safe criteria, 14.8 rrrcent dm: ti1e criteria of fastuntil tiie gml., and 9.7 -,xrcent d~ the trip 7lrith n relntirely low rost. From the~ of tiie safest typ?s oflnms]XJrt, reSfXJndents d~ the milwm;s in the first rmzk 1l'itlz n tvtnl of 41.6 ~cent of rf5/Xnulents. Rankednumler two pm:ate z~hides wit/1 31.9 rx:rcent of resp:mdents. While the criteria fur Fast, ranking first was tire56.4 rx:rcent of the Aircraft and Rail.wen; witi1 a mlue of 18.5 rx:rcent. 07eap As fur criteria, tire first rankRail.11XllJS 47.8 rx:rcent and 25.7 rx:rcent fur pm:ate zehicles.'With ti1e election of Rail.7lXl1J transrxJrtation mode as a mode that gets first priari.hJ in terms of fRCUrity, lowprices and fast, it is rerommended that facilities and infmstn1cture, infmstructure p;rkerafilapian a priorityto be imprmied, induding sen~s t.a ti1£ co11111111ni0;. In nrfditio11, wpnir nnd maintenmzce of roads andbridges prepired long tmck lxlck nnd forth Jar days befim: gmng lzo111e ru:tiuities tnke pince, need to test tirepoliaj rejurm and increased motor vehicle taffic suμmrisian kendnmman on public roads.