Potensi Penerimaan Retribusi Sektor Perhubungan Di Kota Tarakan


The city gauemment of Tarakan apply 15 h;pes of local charges associated with the communicationssedor. For local tax th.ere is only one h;pe of Parki.ng Tax for retnbution while entirely associated withthe communications sector. Lem; is a levy referred to the edge of a public street parking, vehicleinspection charges, leuies feasibilihJ of the ship, terminal fees, special leuies parking, port sen1icecharges, leuies fit into Tengkm;u II port, 11111klng the hllll of retnrnition, retn1'n.1tion fits into the portsubscription, leuy out port-laden vehicles, 11ehicles transporting port cluzrges, port faci.lities sennceslemes, charges and levies route pemiit road transport pennits.177e SUrve1J shows that out of14 kinds of levies, eight species is directly related to activities at tl'le port.177e result has succeeded in increasing local revenues from tl'le beginning in 2003 only amounted toRp855, 6 million to Rpl.465 million in 2009. But on tl'le other hand tl'le number of charges thatcarried a negative connotation in tl'le port of economic ncti11ity because it resulted in a high cost whichis feared could hinder local economic developnzent. For it is necessan; to de7.ielop instruments whichcan encourage tl'le growth of tl'le communications sector in order to impraue tl'le function or role thesedor on tl'le economy at tl'le same time contn1'n.1ting to PAD CihJ of Tarakan. We recommend thatlocal governments need policies to reduce the le1iies at tl'le port that is not necessan;. This studyanalyzed using descriptive statistical approach.