Analisis Prioritas Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Jaringan Jalan di Pro~Si Papua


An Analysis of Priority of Road Network Development in Papua Province (supervised bt; M.Yamin Jinca and Rol.a.nd A. Barket;)The aim of the study was to discover the condition and potential of road development and factorsaffecting its development.The study was a survey using a questionnaire to stakeholders as respondents. The data were analyzedbt; using multi criteria analysis, namely scalogram and hierarchy process.T7re results of the study indicate that the region condition affects the road network developmentespecially at the area with difficult topographic conditions (mountainous) which become the constraintin the developnrent of l.a.nd transportation. The main priority in handling the road network isregion development. The other factors are accessibility, mobz1ity and hierarchy of road network. Thethree factors are not quite different from each other, but they have a low effect on the road networkperformana!. The prioritiy of road development is from Jayapura to Wamena to Mulia, Waena toArso V, Jai;apura to Hamadi to Holtekamp to PNG Border.Keywords : Transportation network, regional development, accessibz1ity and mobilih;.