Paradigma Materialisme Dialektis di Era Milenial


Life in this age provides various kinds of convenience in achieving the expected goals. There are various kinds of opportunities, possibilities and hopes that have so far not been possible now show their existence. The rapid pace of development of technology and information is one of the characteristics of the millennial era. In millennial era, we will easily find people who are multitasking. Sociable in association and able to put the difference in proportion. The existence of material in the form of money really plays a vital role in life. The material and its exchange become fine dining day-to-day, and every activity that is pursued leads to the material to be achievedMaterialism is defined as a philosophical school that considers that it exists or real is just matter.  Basically  everything  consists  of  matter  and  all phenomena is  the result of  material interaction. It is undeniable that understanding materialism has major contribution to the development of science.Technological advances and the rapid flow of information that developed in the millennial era is a logical consequence of the dialectical materialism paradigm. Dialectical materialism is a view that relies on matter (objects) and uses methods dialectical. Material is stated to have connected with one another, mutual influence and interdependent with each other. Everything is inside the process of change, movement and continuous development.