Yadnya dalam Bingkai Ritual dan Politik


This article discusses the problem of yajna in its implementation into various rituals whose existence often comes into contact with politics. Implementation is often identified with ceremonies or rituals, even though the scope of the real yajna is broader in scope. Lontar-lontar as a ritual reference text also more explicitly mentions yajna as a ritual form that contains offerings and worship. Hindus in Bali recognize the Panca Yajna that emerged from the principle of Tri Rna. In the implementation of the Panca Yajna, especially the yajna which are general or together in nature, for example those held by Desa Pakraman and other groups, as well as the yajna in the temple, often involve political participation in their implementation. One example is the provision of assistance to every Desa Pakraman in Bali by the Bali Government as a form of political participation in the implementation of the Yajna. Likewise with the emergence of the simakrama phenomenon of political figures when the implementation of the yajna is a form of intersection between political activity and religious activities. This will be discussed in this article.