
In the management of the company is not uncommon there are transactions that contain conflict of interest (conflict of interest) and almost can not be felt if there are parties who harmed. The principle of good corporate governance serves to control the behavior of corporate managers not to act only benefit the company but also shareholders or equate the interests of shareholders with corporate managers and provide benefits to the environment in which the company conducts business activities.    Keyword: conflict of interest, good corporate governanceDalam pengelolaan perusahaan tidak jarang terdapat transaksi-transaksi yang mengandung konflik kepentingan (conflict of interest) dan nyaris tidak dapat dirasakan kalau ada pihak yang dirugikan. Prinsip good corporate governance berfungsi untuk mengendalikan perilaku pengelola perusahaan agar tidak bertindak hanya menguntungkan perusahaan tetapi juga pemegang saham atau menyamakan kepentingan antara pemegang saham dengan pengelola perusahaan dan memberikan manfaat terhadap lingkungan dimana perusahaan tersebut melakukan kegiatan usaha.Kata Kunci: konflik kepentingan,  good corporate governance