BISSU YANG ENGGAN MEMBISU Proses Encountering Islam dan Kebugisan


article is derived from my own experience living with bissu communityin Pangkep last year. I could not say that my research was a pureresearch. I just lived with them, tried to learn to each other, between meand the bissu communityThis article aims to reveal the encountering process of Islam with one ofthe representations of Buginese culture: Bissu, a local community inSouth Sulawesi. In old days, Bissu was spiritual figure of old Buginesebelieved to descend to middle earth together with Batara Guru. Sincelong time ago, Bissu has led the ritual ceremony of the community andthe kingdom, before finally a majority of Buginese people embracesIslam. However, in small part of Buginese community, Bissu remainstheir spiritual leader. Islam and this small part of Buginese culture,since their early encounter, have filled each other. No domination. Bissuhas never kept quiet. They always play their negotiation role. Islam, onthe other hand, emerges with his kind face, although sometimes, particularlyin current times, this process of encounter is in tension.