Revitalisasi Danau Limboto dengan Pengerukan Endapan di Danau: Pemodelan, Analisis, dan Simulasinya


Limboto lake is one of assets of Province of Gorontalo that provides many benefits to the surrounding society. The main problem of Limboto lake is the silting of the lake due to sedimentation caused by forest erosion, household waste, water hyacinth, and fish farming which is not environmentally friendly. In this article, a mathematical approach is used to modeling the Limboto lake siltation by including the revitalization solution namely the lake dredging. Mathematical modeling begins by building and limiting assumptions, constructing variables and parameters in mathematical symbols, and forming them into a first order differential equation system deterministically. Furthermore, we study the dynamics of the model such as identifying the existence of equilibrium points and their stability conditions. We also give a numerical simulations to show the conditions based on the stability requirements in previous analytical results.