
Woman’s participation in political arena  is facing marginalization. Although 30%  regulation of women’s proportion in the parlementary has been implemented in 2004 general election, woman’s representative  in political practice is still low. It just reached 11,8% from the targeted proportion (30%).For the next 2009 general election, all parties have not fulfilled the 30% proportion. The effort to reach 30% proportion of women's representative in the parliament should be implemented with the fact that women voter number is higher than men voter number. Through socialization of politics and women's representative issues, discrimination towards women's right maybe eliminated. Designing gender perspective curriculum and encouraging academicians to have gender sensitivity are importand effort too. Women are also expected to develop and to improve their capabilities  including their intelectual and personal quality  will support women's role significantly in political arena. Kata Kunci: Perempuan, keterwakilan perempuan dalam parlemen, politik praktis.