KEBAHAGIAAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF MASYARAKAT MARJINAL (Studi Masyarakat Desa Hadipolo Argopuro Kudus Jawa Tengah)


Kebahagiaan merupakan harapan hidup semua manusia, termasuk masyarakat marjinal Desa Hadipolo Argopuro Kudus. Menurut mereka kebahagiaan hidup meliputi beberapa hal diantaranya terpenuhinya kebutuhan sehari-hari, mendapat pekerjaan yang layak, memperoleh penghasilan yang cukup, dapat mengakses layanan publik secara maksimal, dan memperoleh layanan pendidikan maksimal. Namun realitas menunjukkan fakta berbeda, masyarakat Desa Hadipolo yang tergolong masyarakat marjinal belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dengan baik sehingga untuk menopang kebutuhan masyarakat berprofesi sebagai pengamen, pemulung, menjadi buruh pabrik dan pasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif, supaya diperoleh data yang valid sesuai kondisi lapangan. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebahagiaan hidup masyarakat Desa Hadipolo diidentifikasi dalam beberapa aspek: ekonomi, pendidikan, profesi/pekerjaan, dan akses layanan publik. Pada setiap aspek tersebut terdapat kualifikasi berdasarkan standar kebahagiaan masyarakat. Tercapainya kebahagaiaan hidup tidak lepas dari kondisi mental ,keterampilan, motivasi personal, serta kontribusi pemerintah daerah.Kata kunci: Makna kebahagiaan, masyarakat marginal, desa Hadipolo.Happiness is the life expectancy of all humans, including the marginal community of the village of Hadipolo Argopuro Kudus. According to them the happiness of life includes several things including the fulfillment of daily needs, getting decent work, earning enough income, being able to access public services to the full, and getting maximum education services. However, the reality shows a different fact, the Hadipolo Village people who are classified as marginal people have not been able to meet the needs of life well so as to support the needs of the community living as buskers, scavengers, becoming factory workers and markets. This study uses descriptive-qualitative methods, in order to obtain valid data according to field conditions. Data collected by observation, documentation, and interview techniques. The results showed that the happiness of the life of the Hadipolo Village community was identified in several aspects: economy, education, profession/work, and access to public services. In each of these aspects there are qualifications based on people’s happiness standards. The achievement of life’s happiness cannot be separated from mental conditions, skills, personal motivation, and the contribution of local governments.Keywords: The meaning of happiness, marginal society, Hadipolo village.